(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] __________根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Investors can _51_ money simply by loaningit.The money they loan is called capital.Security (担保) is anexpensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investorto show
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] __________根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Investors can _51_ money simply by loaningit.The money they loan is called capital.Security (担保) is anexpensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investorto show
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。 Despite the fact that today viruses(病毒)are known to cause cancer in animals and incertain plants,there exists a great reluctance to accept viruses as being of importance in humancancer.
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 轻度缺钠,下列哪项是错误的( ) A.尿中氯化钠常在正常范围B.每公斤体重估计缺氯化钠0.5gC.血清钠离子浓度为130~135mmol/LD.红细胞计数和血红蛋白均增高E.口渴不明显
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] Whatmakes a person famous ? This is a mystery that many people have pondereD.All kinds of myths surround the lives ofwell—known peoplE. Mostpeople are familiar with the words of William Shakespeare,one
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 科学发展观的实质是 A.建设社会主义小康社会B.实现共同富裕C.实现经济社会又好又快发展D.建设富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义国家
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[多选] 《麦琪的礼物》的结构精巧的体现有 ( ) A.一实一虚,双线并行B.结局巧合,出人意料C.先抑后扬,以小见大D.运用倒叙,制造悬念E.首尾呼应,突出主题
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 脊神经的有关结构中只含运动纤维的是( )A.前根B.后根C.前支D.后支E.以上都不是
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 视神经盘(视神经乳头)( )A.是视力最敏锐的部位B.位于眼球前极C.位于黄斑颞侧稍下方区域D.位于眼球后极E.以上都不对
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] He made a proposal that theproblem_________at the meeting. A.discussB.will be discussedC.be discussedD.wDuld be discussed
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 科学地评价了毛泽东和毛泽东思想的历史地位的会议是中共十一届 ( ) A.三中全会B.四中全会C.五中全会D.六中全会
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 非特异投射系统( )A.由丘脑的感觉接替核弥散地向大脑皮质投射B.向大脑皮质投射的区域狭窄,引起特定的感觉C.受到破坏时,动物将出现角弓反张现象D.受到破坏时,动物进入持久的昏睡状态E.受到刺激时,动物脑电图呈同步化慢波
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。 Despite the fact that today viruses(病毒)are known to cause cancer in animals and incertain plants,there exists a great reluctance to accept viruses as being of importance in humancancer.
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] Whatmakes a person famous ? This is a mystery that many people have pondereD.All kinds of myths surround the lives ofwell—known peoplE. Mostpeople are familiar with the words of William Shakespeare,one
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 毛泽东的人民战争战略战术思想的核心是( )A.积极防御的思想B.集中优势兵力打歼灭战的思想C.战略进攻和战略决战的思想D.战略上藐视敌人、战术上重视敌人的思想
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] He made a proposal that theproblem_________at the meeting. A.discussB.will be discussedC.be discussedD.wDuld be discussed
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 函数y=f(x)在点x=x0处取得极大值,则必有( )A.B.C.D.
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[多选] 临床上对疑有真菌性败血症应做哪些检查( )A.抽髓培养B.尿培养C.血培养D.眼底镜检查E.血涂片检查
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[多选] 关于氧运输的叙述,正确的是( ) A.以Hb02形式为主要运输形式B.Hb与氧的结合为氧化反应C.在肺部P02高,Hb02的量大D.物理溶解量小,所以无多大作用E.Hb与氧的结合不需酶的催化
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] (4P61)中国早期接受、宣传马克思主义的先进分子中发表《马克思主义》一文的是 ( )A.杨匏安B.蔡和森C.陈独秀D.周恩来
(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 艺术鉴赏也是一种__________。( ) A.精神活动B.审美活动C.创造活动D.创作活动