The author tends to think that thefifth level________The author tends to think that thefifth level________


The author tends to think that thefifth level________

(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] The author tends to think that thefifth level________回答下面的题目Human needs seem endless.They might beregarded as making up several levels.When there is enough money to satisfy one level of needs,another level appears.Thefirst and most basic level of needs involves fooD.Once this level issatisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort ofshelter, appears.By the end of World War Ⅱ , theseneeds were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.Then a third level appeareD.It includedsuch items as automobiles and new houses.By1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfieD.Then, in thelate 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the"life-enriching level.While the other levels involve physical satisfaction,that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stressesmental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.It includes a varietyof goods and services.Among them are vacation trips, the best medical anddental care, and recreation.Alsoincluded here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.Onthe fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first threelevels more isspent on goods.Afifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by communityaction.Consumers may be spending more on taxes topay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudicE.After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth, andour minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoymore fully the good things on the first four levels.According to the passage, man willbegin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when________
A.would be little better than the fourthlevel
B.may be a lot more desirable than thefirst four
C.can be the last and most satisfyinglevel
D.will become attainable before thegovernment takes actions


【◆答案解析◆】:最后一段。最后的等级就是上了税等着政府做事,我们只享受就是了。选项C是正确的。Spending more on taxes to pay for government action against...付更多的税给政府,政府再有所行动……。不赋税,政府就不行动,第五个等级的满足就不会实现。

(2)【◆题库问题◆】:[多选] 心悸伴晕厥或抽搐见于(  )



(3)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] The reasonwhy all the solar energy falling on the earth can’t be utilized is that ______.根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。The energy which the sun radiates goes inevery direction, and only a minute part of it falls on the earth.Even so, it represents power of about 5,000,000 horsepower (马力) per square mile per day; the sun gives us as much energy everymiunte as mankind utilizes in a year.At present, we usethis energy indirectly, and it is our final source of power.Coal represents the chemical action of the sun on green plantsthousands of years ago.Water power results from therain formed by vapor which comes from the evaporation of water under thesunshinE.Even windmills operate because of air currentsset in motion by the different heating affects of the sun in different places.Some day, through chemistry or some type of solar engine, we shallharness this great source of energy more directly.Alreadya scientist has worked out an engine, surprisingly efficient, in which the sun’srays are concentrated through mirrors on a tube of water to create steam.How muchenergy given off by the sun reaches the earth?
A.only a verysmall part is available
B.the sun istoo distant from the earth takesthousands of years for this energy to be stored up in coal and oil
D.ourscientific knowledge is not sufficient


(4)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 下列句子中加点的成语,使用恰当的一句是(  )


(5)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] 肝脓肿(  )根据以下选项,回答下面的题目:A.肝浊音区上升,肝区叩痛阴性B.肝浊音区下降,肝区叩痛阴性 C.肝区叩诊鼓音,肝区叩痛阴性D.肝绝对浊音界下移,肝区叩痛阴性E.肝浊音区上升,肝区叩痛阳性 肺气肿(  )



(6)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 下列函数中,在x=0处不可导的是(  )


(7)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 不属于咀嚼肌的是(  )



(8)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] Hardly________a good job without putting his best foot forward at his job interview.
A.ever Jim gets
B.ever has Jim get
C.ever Jim may get
D.ever does Jim get


(9)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] My daughter tells me that it isfashionable to wear jeans that are very ________around the waist.



(10)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] _________根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services.But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident.Such crises usually _54_ great expensE.Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses.Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis.An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis.There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and firE.Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kinD.Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ neeD._________
A.result from
D.result in


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